Coinbase Pro Launches Margin Trading After Increased Customer Demand


On February 12, 2020, Coinbase announced they will begin supporting margin trading features in Coinbase Pro after high customer demand.

In a statement on Twitter, the Coinbase team said “Margin has been one of our most requested features”.

Coinbase Pro Margin Trading

Coinbase Pro will support up to 3x leverage on USD-quoted order books. Margin trading will initially be launched for 23 US. states, but we expect the team will continue to work towards supporting every state in the coming months.

Margin trading is also available in 43 states and 9 international countries for institutions.

Learn more about margin trading on Coinbase Pro.

Start trading on Coinbase Pro.

Shrimpy currently supports spot market trading through the Shrimpy application for all Coinbase Pro customers. Sign up today to begin automating your crypto portfolio!

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