— Free Data For All

CoinOrderBook Dashboard2.png

We asked if anyone wanted free data. I’m not sure what we expected, but people collectively agreed they want it.



We didn’t take this feedback lightly. It took a few days for us to process, deciding how to go about opening up our data. Shrimpy is sitting on troves of data, but that’s all it’s doing — sitting.

It’s time you got a job, data!

The Shrimpy team spent the weekend planning our next steps. Scheming for ways to put our data to work. It was time to satisfy the community with high quality real-time data. By opening up our data APIs to the public, everyone will have access to real-time data on every major exchange.

But wait, there’s more!

We don’t want this data to only be accessible to developers who are comfortable navigating APIs. Our data should be readily available for crypto traders and casual usage. This requires a solution which is readily available through a simple user interface.


A real-time data aggregator which will provide the most robust live data across every major exchange. No historical data, no market cap, and no volume (at least to start). Just raw data based on what’s taking place in the market right this second.

But, why??

We saw a gap in the crypto market. There are countless websites like CoinMarketCap which are all competing to be the leading market data providers. While you might have a preference for which provider you prefer, deep down we know they are all pretty much the same. Each one providing their own take on the same data.

Our team saw an opportunity to bring something different to the market. Instead of bringing another service which provides the same ol’ market data, we will be focusing entirely on the active trading community. Data that can help you make a decision right this second.

Public Shrimpy APIs

The data APIs our developers have come to love will be made available for everyone. Each of these data endpoints can be found under the “Public” section of our API documentation.

Public Shrimpy Developer APIs

A simple Example

Let’s try an example to demonstrate the power of these APIs. Say you want to find the best bid-ask pricing of XLM and LTC across Binance and Bittrex. Maybe you’re looking for opportunities for smart order routing or arbitrage. Simply include a list of exchanges and the base / quote currencies you want to evaluate. Shrimpy will instantly provide unbound access to this data across every popular exchange.




[{  "baseSymbol": "XLM",  "quoteSymbol": "BTC",  "exchanges": [{    "exchange": "Bittrex",    "orderBook": {      "asks": [        {          "price": "0.00002585",          "quantity": "1891.1316431"        },        {          "price": "0.00002594",          "quantity": "35200"        },        ...      ],      "bids": [        {          "price": "0.00002577",          "quantity": "774.92250177"        },        {          "price": "0.00002576",          "quantity": "3509.07031022"        },        ...      ]    }  }]}]

You can read more about these endpoints and find additional examples in one of our recent articles here:

Order Book — Universal APIs for Real-Time Crypto Exchange Data is the snazzy new website being released by the Shrimpy team. Abiding by the same philosophy of simple design with powerful functionality, the website will remain lean while we collect feedback and iterate. Nobody wants a thousand useless features. Only what’s absolutely necessary. That way the UI is clean and concise.

We’re calling it now. CoinOrderBook is going to be the global leader in real-time crypto exchange data. This companion service allows traders to view market movements in real-time without jumping from exchange to exchange.

To learn more about our plans for the future of CoinOrderBook or suggest new features for this service, join our Telegram and follow us on Twitter.

Thanks to everyone who is supporting our team, we look forward to continuing this journey with you all.

~Shrimpy Team