View Display Data in Alternative Fiat Currencies

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The Shrimpy application has historically only supported viewing data in USD or BTC. When you switch between these two different currency options in the settings, your entire view changes in the application. The performances, prices, values, and more instantly all get converted to the currency of choice.

As Shrimpy becomes a global portfolio management resource for cryptocurrency users, it is becoming increasingly necessary for us to find ways to support additional currencies. That way everyone can view their portfolio in the fiat currency which best suites them.

Shrimpy now supports the following currencies:

  • Bitcoin (BTC)

  • United States Dollar (USD)

  • British Pound Sterling (GBP)

  • Euro (EUR)

  • Australian Dollar (AUD)

  • Canadian Dollar (CAD)

  • Indian Rupee (INR)

  • Chinese Yuan Renminbi (CNY)

  • Japanese Yen (JPY)

Access these new display currency options by going to “Settings”. Under “General”, there is now a drop down selector for which display currency you would like to use with Shrimpy.

Note: Selecting a display currency does not affect how Shrimpy trades, manages your funds, accesses data for your account, or any other functionality. Changing your display currency will only convert the currency for display purposes.

Let us know if there are any other currencies you would like to see added to our list of supported display currencies!