A Shrimpy Year In Review 2019


Wow! 2019 was a wild ride. The final year of the 2010 decade was an exciting adventure for the Shrimpy team as we explored new products, partnered with more 3rd party services and exchanges, while making new friends along the way.

Although the market continued to stagnate, we certainly didn’t allow our momentum to falter. In fact, our services have more users than ever, integrating more exchanges than ever, and more features than ever.

The year of more, more, more…

That’s what it felt like for us. As we ran, ran, ran to get as many products and features out the door as possible.

Although the foundation has been laid, we don’t see this as the end of our aggressive pursuit of features. This is still the beginning. Shrimpy is in the early days of development. We can’t wait to share with everyone what we have in store. Our team is confident the new features will blow you away.

As a recap on everything we accomplished over the last year, we wrote down the updates we made on a quarter by quarter basis. Check out the progress!

1st Quarter, 2019

The first quarter of the year had a heavy focus placed on the developer APIs. On January 17th, we launched the first version of the developer APIs. However, that’s not all we completed that quarter.

Shrimpy Universal Crypto Exchange APIs

Shrimpy Portfolio Management Application


  • 21x faster order placement speed.

  • Integrated websocket data access for all 14 exchanges we supported at the time (we later integrated support for 2 more exchanges).

  • Data flow optimizations.

  • Improved error handling, and surfacing exchange errors to users.

  • Improved exchange management. 

  • Improved and automated our asset listing process. 

  • Improved Coinbase infrastructure and asset listing process.

  • Improved data handling for backtesting.

  • Expanded completeness of data for backtesting tools.

  • Implemented new monitoring and alert systems for our infrastructure.

  • Launched a new server sentinel for improved up-time.

2nd Quarter, 2019

This quarter had a number of big updates for both the developer APIs and portfolio management application. We added threshold rebalancing while also spent a healthy amount of time implementing the real-time endpoints for the developer APIs.

Shrimpy Portfolio Management Application

  • Integrated support for 2 new exchanges into the portfolio management application - Bitfinex and Bittrex International.

  • Added support for Threshold Rebalancing. Read more

  • Threshold rebalancing was added to the backtesting feature, which also allowed us to start publishing articles on threshold rebalancing performance. Read more.

  • Backtesting capabilities were added to the portfolio creator and the social leader pages. 

  • Additional indexing features and controls were added to support more configurable crypto index fund strategies. Read more.

  • Support for cryptocurrency payments was integrated. Read more.

  • The Social leader page was completely redesigned. This update improved the experience of people following social leaders.

  • New shareable links were added for social leaders so they could publicly share their portfolios on social media.

  • Spread and slippage controls were released for advanced trade execution control.

  • Improvements were made to the application load time and home page information sections.

  • Branding work for Shrimpy - New Logo, new illustrations, and new Shrimpy landing page sections.

  • Improved the experience for the first time users logging into Shrimpy.

  • Social leaders became visible across all exchanges.

  • Social leader pages were completely redesigned to provide more information, deeper insights, and a more accurate view of a leader’s portfolio.

Shrimpy Universal Crypto Trading APIs

  • Integrated support for 2 new exchanges into the developer APIs - Bitfinex and Bittrex International.

  • The Shrimpy developer API homepage got a facelift. You can see the new website here: https://developers.shrimpy.io/.

  • Integrated the ability for developers to manage their users through the UI. 

  • Real-time Full Order Book endpoints for every major exchange.

  • Improvements to smart order routing. Read more

  • New OHLCV charting trade data endpoints. Read more

  • New asset & portfolio insights data endpoints.

  • Live full depth order book websockets were integrated. Read more

  • Live trade data websockets. Read more

  • Improved error reporting for limit orders and smart order routing.

  • Historical exchange account balance data.

  • Small API improvements for increased stability.


  • Websocket infrastructure for connecting to each exchange.

    • Trade data

    • Full depth order book data

  • Improved trade execution and logic for smart order routing.

  • Updates to exchange interfaces for more robust data collection.

  • Creating an organized system for our historical data.

  • Bug fixes, infrastructure alarms, and better server monitoring.

3rd Quarter, 2019

With our quick iterations on both the Shrimpy developer APIs and the portfolio management application, this quarter had a focus on refining the things we’ve already done. Making the experience better.

Shrimpy Portfolio Management Application

  • Dialog confirmation & trade estimations for rebalancing

  • Asset indicators for better visibility into trading status for customers

  • New pricing pages for subscription tiers

  • Added option to copy portfolios from the “Portfolio” tab.

  • Improved load times, account polling, data retrieval, and UI load screens.

  • Made a long list of tweaks, bug fixes, UI adjustments, etc.

  • Complete history page redesign

    • Asset search

    • Detailed trade information

    • Event tracking for cold storage balances

  • Integration of global / leader chat system.

  • Custom exchange account naming

  • Cleaned up UI experience with threshold rebalancing

  • Backtest dialog button for portfolio and social pages

Shrimpy Universal Crypto Trading APIs

  • Websocket for completed trades.

  • Code examples for python and Node.js

  • Wrote Python Library

  • Websocket improvements

  • Prototyping developer API vending endpoints for order book and trade data.

  • Implemented an “orders” channel for our websockets which provides a stream for users to get all orders executed by Shrimpy.

  • New pricing pages for the developer APIs

  • New subscription page for developer APIs

  • Historical data

  • Live data pricing updates (for websockets)


  • New rebalancing algorithm for Coinbase Pro to allow for optimizations for alternative trading pairs.

  • Additional infrastructure alarms for when data is missing from exchanges (such as trade data).

  • Organization of historical order book and trade history in preparation for vending.

  • Updates to trade websocket channels to include maker / taker side.

  • Node.js and Python client updates for websocket support, bumping nonce precision, and formatting updates.

4th Quarter, 2019

The last quarter of 2019 focused on new developments for the portfolio management application. Although they haven’t been released yet, we have some of the biggest updates ever planned for the portfolio management application. We look forward to sharing them with everyone as soon as they are ready!

Some other developments include the following.

Shrimpy Portfolio Management Application

Shrimpy Universal Crypto Trading APIs


  • Enabled alternative quote currency order execution for Kraken and other exchanges

  • Updated / cleaned backtest data, increased update frequency

  • Improved data archiving and serving

  • Implemented server architecture updates for future scaling

  • Streamlined the way we process trade data

  • Completed back-end updates for new 2020 features in development


Let us know if you have any questions. We would love to discuss each and every one of these features with you. We accomplished a lot in 2019 and our team looks forward to another fulfilling year as we move the crypto portfolio management industry forward one step at a time.

Stay tuned for everything we have planned for 2020. We have a long list of features laid out for integration that will change the way you think about crypto portfolio management. We can’t wait to continue this journey with you!

Shrimpy is an account aggregating platform for cryptocurrency. It is designed for both professional and novice traders to come and learn about the growing crypto industry. Trade with ease, track your performance, and analyze the market. Shrimpy is the trusted platform for trading over $13B in digital assets.

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